Week 13 Story: Gellert the Brave
Photo by Mark Galer I could smell that the intruder was near, possibly already inside my master's home. I ran as fast as could to the castle, tearing my way through the large wooden doors and towards the smell of the large predator that waited there. He must be in the wing where my master's little human was sleeping, stalking his way towards the child's room. I ran harder, ignoring the loud bellowing of the horn my master was blowing for me to join him on a hunt. I rounded the corner of the corridor and entered the child's room at full speed, jumping at the gigantic predator's throat with my teeth bared. It was a large wolf, probably twice my size, but I didn't care. He was after my little human and I couldn't let the intruder get to him. As the vicious fight between myself and the wolf ensued, the child cried and screamed, frighted of the loud battle going on in front of him. The wolf and I growled and ripped at each other with our sharp, exposed teeth....