Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales, Part B

Photo by Erik Mclean

- A girl named Henny Penny is in a cornfield when something hits her in the head. 
- She decides she's going to tell the king that the sky is falling, and on her way, she meets a couple of people and they go along with her. 
- Henny Penny and her group of friends run into a fox who tricks the animals into thinking they're going the wrong way to see the king and leads them to his cave.
- one by one the fox eats every animal but Henny penny runs away.
- A mother and father had many children and couldn't feed them all so they decided to take the three youngest and leave them out in the woods
- the kids find their way to a giants house and one of the kids tricks the giant into killing his own family and then the kids leave.
- the kids then find their way to the king's house and they explain the whole story to the king
- the king told molly one of the kids that if she went back to the giant's house and got his sword, then he'd give molly eldest sister to his eldest son to marry, so molly went to try.
- molly ended up getting the sword and he sends her back to get more items but the giant catches her.
- she tricks the giant again and escapes
- so a young girl love a man named Mr fox. 
- Mr fox proposed to the girl and she thought she'd try to find his house in the woods one day. 
- when she finds it she comes in and realizes this dude is a mass murderer of young women so she exposes him and her brothers chop him up and kill him. 
- an old woman asks her son to watch a cake baking in the oven and the boy forgets so out of the oven runs a johnnycake. 
- the johnnycake outruns many people and continues to run until he comes across a fox.
- the johnnycake taunts the fox but the fox acts as though he can't hear the johnny cake and this tricks him to come close to the fox
- taking advantage of this the fox eats the johnnycake


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