Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part B

 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 1

- In this story of Aladdin, he lives with his mother, and his father has passed away. 

- Aladdin's uncle shows up, who's a magician, and spoils him with clothes, and takes him all over the city. 

- His uncle the magician uses Aladdin to go down into the ground between two mountains to fetch a very important lamp. 

- after retrieving the lamp, Aladdin finds out he has been tricked, and the man was not his uncle. The man had planned to get the lamp and kill Aladdin afterward. 

- Aladdin was trapped underground for two days with the lamp, not sure what to do. But he rubbed the man's ring on his finger and a genie appeared. 

 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 2

- right away Aladdin wishes to get out of the cave so the genie grants him this wish

- Meaning to sell the lamp he'd gotten in the cave for food, Aladdin's mother rubbed the lamp and a genie had appeared. 

- Aladdin asked the genie for something to eat and a huge spread appeared in front of them. 

- they used the genies to continue to live by selling goods for many years. 

- soon after Aladdin sees the princess's face for the first time and instantly falls in love with her.

- Aladdin's mother goes before the sultan to ask if her son could marry the princess and the sultan says they must wait three months to see. 

- the princess was promised to someone else but Aladdin uses the genie to get what he wants

 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 4

- The magician shows back up after realizing that Aladdin must have the lamp and basically starts ruining everything.

 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 5

- The magician took the princess from Aladdin and his goods and went to Africa. 

- Realizing he still had the genie ring, he goes to Africa to rescue the princess, his wife. 

Photo by: Cesira Alvarado

Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).


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